Dietz Honey Company –

Company: Dietz Honey Company
Phone:   (409) 344-3442
Visit the Dietz Honey Company Website
Join Dietz Honey on Facebook

Available at:
Beaumont Farmer’s Market. Saturdays 8a-10:30a
Basic Foods – Beaumont
Jack’s Pak It – Lumberton & Beaumont
Abbie’s Imports – Beaumont
Health Food Heaven – Beaumont
Mr. T’s  Health Food– Nederland (raw form)
Down to Earth – Nederland
Dietz Honey is produced from hives right here in the Golden Triangle. The local makers refrain from using man made chemicals to treat their bees and instead prefer more natural methods that seem to allow their bees to thrive in a healthier, chemical free environment.  Available in pints, quarts, 1/2 gallons and gallons in glass jars, Dietz Honey is available at a number of local retailers and at the Beaumont Farmer’s Market (a great place to learn more about other local food producers).
  • Local honey assists your immune system in adapting to the Southeast Texas environment
  • A spoonfull of honey before a workout boosts endurance and reduces muscle fatigue
  • Pregnant? Honey is the best natural aid in relieving morning sickness

The Eat Local movement continues to gain ground. The benefits are seemingly endless. Eating local foods reduces your carbon footprint. Eating food produced by local farmers and ranchers keeps more money in the local economy. Local food producers are much better at customizing their product to local tastes. Honey is a great product to source locally. To top it off, Dietz Honey tastes great! Have allergies?  Then you will want to try a spoonful each morning –   it can really help!

Checking the bees


Frame of brood


Very busy bees


Trying to catch a breeze




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