Discover Texas’s Pedernales Brewing Company at Wine Styles Beaumont

Southeast Texas beer lovers truly the distinct and unique flavors of micro brewed beer.

A couple of decades ago that meant beer from Seattle or Portland or California.


These days, some of the finest Microbreweries are within a days drive of Southeast Texas- Abita, Shiner, St. Arnold.

One standout is Pedernales Brewing Company in Fredericksburg. Texas Beers Beaumont Wine Styles

Wine Styles Beaumont has a number of their finest in stock and awaiting your discovery.

One of my personal favorites is the Perdernales Classic Hefe Weizen.

I fell in love with these wheat beers at the University of Texas twenty years ago. Shiner’s version was, and is of very high quality.

Pedernales Brewing Company is definitely making a strong challenge for the Texas Hefe Weizen crown.

The beer is refreshing, has a clean aftertaste, and is wonderful with Southeast Texas barbecue or boudain.

I love beer in an icy bottle, but the picture perfect color of the Pedernales Hefe Weizen makes it definitely worth pouring into a chilled glass.

This is a high quality Texas micro brew. Fresh, smooth, delicious, flavorful.

Try it for yourself today at our Southeast Texas  Wine Styles Beaumont, on Dowlen Road.

best beer selection Beaumont TX

Beaumont micro brew selection at Wine Styles Beaumont TX



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